Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day 6 (Pre-Show): Olympia: Expo Day 2/Samir Bannout/Jamie Eason

Got up this morning.  Have a cold.

While I like getting to where I'm going, I hate travel.  People get on planes sick; they know they're sick; they know they're going to get you sick, and they don't care.

Well, being in shape has a lot of advantages, one of which is I can pretty much ignore the cold, which is what I'm trying to do.

We went to the gym this morning -- arms.  Good workout.

Then, after a meal in the room we went to the Expo at Las Vegas Convention Center.  Even bigger than yesterday.  Fortunately, with the VIP passes, we got free run of the place for 30 minutes before the public made their way in.  Picked up some knee wraps.  Kelly got a rag or two and we loaded up on t-shirts for our friends at the home gym in San Miguel.  We have 20 pound bag full of free supplements we collected, too.  Plus what we ate while we were there . . . I'm going to have some penitence to pay next week . . .

At the Expo, I met Samir Bannout, the "Lion of Lebanon" who won Mr. Olympia in 1983.  A very nice guy, generous with his time . . .

Walking the convention center, I looked up and saw Jamie Eason -- one of the better known figure models around.  She, too, was kind and as cute as her photos . . .

Makes me want to stop staring at the floor . . .  ;)

Got photos from the pre-judging this afternoon.  Jay Cutler is in the battle of his professional life this year.  Phil Heath looks awesome.  For those with Facebook, these are likely 6 of the top 10 . . .

Did cardio early afternoon followed by some time at the pool.  The Vegas sun is, in a word, HOT.  

Then enjoyed a major protein infusion at an Asian buffet mid-afternoon and now we're back in the condo getting ready to head over to see what we came here for -- the men's Olympia finals.  

More later . . .

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